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Задание 1. Translate into English (перевести на английский язык):

1. Информационно-зависимое общество;

2. Вычислительное устройство

3. интегральная схема

4. математический анализ

5. двоичный код

Задание 2. Detect the predicates in the following sentences (определить сказуемое в следующих предложениях):

1. The first vacuum tubes computers are referred to as first generation computers.

2. The transistor, a smaller and more reliable successor to the vacuum tube, was invented in 1948.

3. The computers that were designed to use integrated circuit technology were called third generation computers.

Задание 3. Fill in the gaps (заполнить пробелы):

1. The invention of … … was the starting point of the rapid growth of modern electronics.

2. The … invented in 1948 completely replaced the vacuum tube.

Задание 4. Match the terms to their definition (соотнести термины с их определением):

1. Computer 2. Computer literacy 3. A program 4. Data

a) the set of instructions that direct the operations of computers;

b) possessing sufficient knowledge of how computers work and how to use them.

c) an electronic device performing calculations on numerical data;

d) facts unorganized but able to be organized.

Задание 5. Insert proper words (вставить нужные слова):

1. Computer data _______system frees humans from routine error-prone tasks.

a) counting; b) computing; c) processing

2. Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and _____ it.

a) to travel; b) to retrieve; c) to respond

Задание 6. Translate into English (перевести на английский язык):

1. клавиатура

2. порт ввода-вывода

3. емкость; объем (памяти)

4. мгновенный ответ

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Ответы на вопрос:

2beth and marge haven’t got a tv. beth and marge don’t have a tv. 3 have you got a large house? do you  have a large house? 4 my cat hasn’t got a name. my cat doesn't have a name. 5 he doesn’t have a computer. he hasn't got a computer. 6 i don’t have a lot of friends. i haven't got a lot of friends. 7 does sophia have a best friend? has sophia got a best friend? 8 do they have a pet? have they got a pet?

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