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Выбрать правильные глаголы, образующие прошедшее время при окончание -ed. неправильные глаголы, образующие прошедшее время иначе? last summer the barkers decided to visit william and beatrice and their children-ann, mary, jim and charley. on friday john, sally and their parents took the four o'clock train from london and travelled to glasgow. william met them and helped with their bags. they all took a bus to the barkers'house near glasgow. beatrice cooked a lot of nice things and they had a wonderful supper. john and sally were tired and went to bed early. on saturday morning the weather was warm and sunny, and they decided to visit glasgow. william took them to glasgow in his car and showed a lot of interesting places. john and sally loved glasgow. in the afternoon they all went to a cafe and then watched television and played chess. on sunday margaret, richard and their children visited glasgow park and walked there. late in the afternoon they thanked william and beatrice and went home by train. the barkers had a wonderful weekend.

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На некие глаголы в языке, они неправильные потому что они меняються с концовкой зависимости от времени, так сложилось их есть специальная таблица - неправильных глаголов , они не похожи на остальные. правильные глаголы из текста: 1. decided 2.travelled 3.helpep 4.cooked 5.tired 6.decided x2 7.showed 8.watched 9.played 10.walked 11.loved 12.thanked

правильные: decided, travelled, helped, cooked, ried, showed, watched, played, wakled, thanked/ loved. ( если нужно будет, уберешь окончания -ed)

неправильные(пишу первую форму! ): take, meet, have, go, be


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