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балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4
2. I wish (1) our family could of (2) taken (3) holidays when we were (4) younger. * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4
3. Unless we work (1) harder, we will (2) finish (3) on time (4). * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4
4. Lynn wishes (1) she had (2) a bigger house and can (3) buy(4) a car. * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 5. I wonder (1) if she will (2) remembering (3) to post (4) the letter. * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 6. What would (1) you do (2) if you will (3) won (4) the lottery? * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 7. We ate (1) outside tomorrow (2) unless (3) it rains (4). * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 8. If I have (1) to fly (2), I would get (3) very nervous, so I usually drive (4). * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 9. Had (1) you follow (2), you wouldn't (3 ) have got (4) lost. * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 10. I didn't (1) watch (2) the film on TV, but I wish (3) I will (4). * 1 балл Вариант 1 Вариант 2 Вариант 3 Вариант 4 Conditionals 11. We’ll be late unless we... now. * 1 балл don’t leave had left have left leave 2. If you ... your home work, you won’t be allowed to go out. * 1 балл won’t do don’t do didn’t do haven’t done 3. Even if I ... them, it would have been too late to change their minds. * 1 балл phone had phoned phoned has phoned 4. I wish he ... more helpful. * 1 балл was have been had been is 5. When water ..., it ... to ice. * 1 балл will freezes, will turns freezes, turns freezes, will turns freezes, turned 6, If you ... to have a birthday party, ... me! * 1 балл decide, will tell decide, tell will decide, tell decided, tell 7. I feel sick. I wish I ... so much cake. * 1 балл haven’t eaten hadn’t eaten didn’t eat ate 8. ... on time, we ... the bus. * 1 балл He had arrived, woudn't have miss Had he arrived, woudn't have missed Had he arrive, have woudn't missed Will he arrived, woudn't have missed 9. ... you need any help moving, ... me a call. * 1 балл Should, give Would, gave Will, had given Had, gives 10. If the director ... call, tell him I'm busy * 1 балл had would must should

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Ответы на вопрос:

The Kyiv-Persian Lavra is one of the oldest and most famous shrines in Ukraine. It was founded in the 11th century by Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavych. Many relics and holy icons are stored there, among which the image of the Mother of God of Kyiv-Pechersk is especially venerated. The former castle of the President of Ukraine on the banks of the Dnieper, and the current residence of the Patriarch of Kyiv and All Russia-Ukraine, the Kyiv-Persian Lavra is a symbol of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people and the city of Kyiv in particular. In 1990, the Kyiv-Persian Lavra was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.



Києво-Перська Лавра є однією з найстаріших та найвідоміших святинь України. Заснована була у XI столітті князем СвятославомЯрославичем. Тут зберігається багато реліквій та святих ікон, серед яких особливо почитується образ Богородиці Києво-Печерської. Колишній замок Президента України на березі Дніпра, а нинішня резиденція Патріарха Київського і всієї Руси-України, Києво-Перська Лавра є символом духовної та культурної спадщини українського народу та міста Києва в особливості. У 1990 році Києво-Перська Лавра була внесена до списку Всесвітньої спадщини ЮНЕСКО.

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