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Перевести на , без интернета этим летом я летала с родителями чтобы отдохнуть в турции прекрасном городе кемер.там я встретила многих иностранцев, и все они говорили на разных языках. природа там великолепная, красивые пальмы, цветущие кусты. возле нашего отеля были бассейны с разными извилистыми горками, также рядом было средиземное море. вода была теплой и абсолютно прозрачной. мы посетили парк дисней «the lend of legends” там мы катались на различных водных аттракционах, было весело. купались, загорали,смотрели интересное шоу дельфинов и ходили за покупками. ежедневно на территории отеля проводились дневные и ночные анимации и пенные вечеринки.кроме того я ездила в гости к бабушке и дедушке.жаль что летние каникулы так быстро закончились

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This summer i flew with my parents to rest in turkey, the beautiful city of kemer. there i met many foreigners. and they all spoke different languages. nature there is magnificent, beautiful palm trees blossoming bushes. near our hotel there were swimming pools with various winding slides, and next to it was the mediterranean sea. the water was warm and absolutely transparent we visited the disney park "the lend of legends where we skied on various water attractions was fun. we bathed, sunbathed, watched an interesting dolphin show and went shopping. every day, day and night animation and foam parties were held on site, in addition, i went to visit my grandparents. it is a pity that the summer holidays are so quickly over .

this summer i flew with my parents to relax in the beautiful city of kemer in turkey.there i met many foreigners and they all spoke different languages. the nature there is magnificent, beautiful palm trees, flowering bushes. near our hotel there were swimming pools with different winding slides, there was also the mediterranean sea. the water was warm and crystal clear. we visited disney park "the land of legends" where we rode various water attractions, it was fun. we swam, sunbathed, watched an interesting dolphin show and went shopping. day and night animations and foam parties are held daily on site.besides, i went to visit my grandparents.it is a pity that the summer holidays ended so quickly

I'll give you a lift to the station tomorrow

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