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3 * * Complete the questions about the subject and the bobject of each sentence. 1 Emma has eaten beggs. a Who's eaten eggs? b What 2 Lawrence and Lucy are living in London. a Who b Where ? ? 3 °Ray reads bbiography books. a Who b What ? 4 aCharles has chosen bchips for lunch. a Who b What ? 5 Helen is helping Harry a Who b Who 6 Freddie feels bfantastic. a Who b How

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) b) What has Emma eaten?

2) Who is living in London?

   Where are Lawrence and Lucy living?

3) Who reads biography books?

   What does Ray read?

4) Who has chosen chips for lunch?

   What has Charles chosen for lunch?

5) Who is helping Harry?

   Who is Helen helping?

6) Who feels fantastic?

   How does Freddy feel?

Знают мамы, знают дети, знает взрослый и малыш. на безногом табурете, ни за что не усидишь. без колес не сдвинешь воза, хоть впряги в него коня. не спасешься от мороза, если в печке нет огня. от иголки мало толку, если без ушка иголка. так и руки без труда, не годятся никуда!

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