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4) I've ... stamp collecting and it is fun. A) taken up B) tried up C) turned up D) carry on. 5) Personal blogs are ... John enjoys reading. A) what B) how C) which D) where. 6) She doesn't like walking ... the town centre at night because it is full of crowds of teenagers who are looking for trouble. A) among B) between C) through D) above. 7) If I had known his number, I ... him all day. A) would call B) called C) would have called D) had called 8) I don't like people ... me what to dol. A) tell B) telling C) being told D) tells. 9) I arrived at the concert hall ... and had a chat with my friends for long before the concert stared. A) on time B) in good time C) late D) lately С объяснением

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Ответы на вопрос:

4) I've ... stamp collecting and it is fun.

A) taken up B) tried up C) turned up D) carry on.

5) Personal blogs are ... John enjoys reading.

A) what B) how C) which D) where.

6) She doesn't like walking ... the town centre at night because it is full of crowds of teenagers who are looking for trouble.

A) among B) between C) through D) above.

7) If I had known his number, I ... him all day. (Third conditional)

A) would call B) called C) would have called D) had called

8) I don't like people ... me what to dol.

A) tell B) telling C) being told D) tells.

9) I arrived at the concert hall ... and had a chat with my friends for long before the concert stared.

A) on time B) in good time C) late D) lately

Дом за пределами мира жизнь в космосе решительно отличается от жизни на земле. космическая станция находится  в тихом соседстве, и с нее открывается великолепный вид. есть много вещей, которые астронавты вынуждены плавая в воздухе, так как они не могут ходить в космосе. внутри станции много плавающей пыли. у астронавтов есть специальный пылесос с длинной дудкой, чтобы "ловить" пыль. что касается перерывов на еду, здесь нет кухни с поваром и холодильником. вся еда в жестянках и пакетах.тут есть ложки, но нет вилок и ножей, так как вся еда жидкая. а что насчет стирки одежды? у астронавтов одноразовая одежда, у них нет стиральной машины. как же это классно!

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