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Переведите текст A Man with a Bad Heart.

Dan noticed afterward that Max coughed a great deal and was short of breath. After about a week Max said, "/ tore something loose, I think. It rattles when I breathe. Do you know a good heart doctor from a hospital? I don't want to go to my regular doctor. He's Sharon's doctor too and he'll tell her."

Dan remembered Dr. Flinch, the physician who had helped him so greatly with the patient with the lung cancer.

After his visit Max came directly to the drugstore. He looked somber.

"Is he a good doctor?"

"The best I've found so far".

"He said it was all right for you to call him. I was so nervous I don't remember anything he said".

Dan called the physician. The moment he hung up the receiver Max said, "What did he say?"

"You have a double lesion —".

"Don't talk to me in medical terms. Tell me so I can understand. What kind of operation do I have to do?"

"It's open heart surgery. They cut the heart open. They put a pump in its place so that you get oxygen while it's being worked on."

"Is the heart beating all the time"

"They stop it. It's a dangerous operation but you have no choice."

"I'm not getting any operation until Sharon has the baby."

Max opened ajar of pills and took one.

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хз я не англичан ну там чето про дете какое-то

Открытка хоббита была красивой - hobbit's post card was very beautiful.хоббит часто шутит - hobbit often tells jokes. пятачок уберёт свою комнату завтра - piglet will do his room tomorrow; в домике винни-пуха нет кухни и ванны - there is no kitchen and bathroom in winney-the-pooh's house; эта мельница- самая старая - this mill is the oldest; они не были на ферме три дня назад - they were not on the farm three days ago; я позвоню ему через час - i will phone him in an hour; кенга купила немного хлеба и сыра. - kenga bought some cheese and bread.

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