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Переведите на то-ка не через переводчик сколько у нее шляп? -у нее одна шляпа сколько у тебя кроликов? -у меня много кроликов покажи мне змею.мне нравиться змеи. сколько у того мальчика звезд? -у него семь звезд. сколько у вас книг? -у нас 11 книг

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Ответы на вопрос:

how many hats does she have? she has one hat.

how many rabbits do you have? i have many rabbits.

show me a snake. i like snakes.

how many stars does that boy have? he has seven stars.

how many books do you have? we have eleven books.


1. how many hats has she got? she has got one hat.

2. how many rabbits have you got? i have got many rabbits.

3. show me the snake. (речь идет , скорее всего, об определенной змее). i like snakes.

4. how many stars has that boy got? he has got seven stars.

5. how many books have you got? we have got eleven books.

Front of us beautiful villa.it has got 8 rooms.on first floor there is living room. its very big.in this living room there are fireplace and 6 armchairs.the living room is blue . on walls beautiful paintings.in the house 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms on the second flour.the kitchen is big.it is located on the first floor.in the kitchen there  are giant stove(cooker),fridge,table,chairs.front of villa small garden.  

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