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Раскрыть скобки card_total1. when i came in they (sit) round the table. mr. and mrs. brown (watch) tv while kate (read) 2. vicky ) in an italian restaurant 2 years ago.3. as soon as they (phone) me, i (tell) you. 4. ) next week.5. he (phone) me when he (get) home after work. 6. the radio ) at this moment.7. we ) in the garden at 5 yesterday.8. she (walk) along the street every week.9. the olympic games (take place) every four years. 10. you (see) that girl over there yet? she is my friend. 11. the water (boil) already.12. let's go out. look! it (not to rain) and the sun (shine) brightly. 13. vegeta¬rians (not to eat) meat. 14. he (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year. card_total15. when i came in they (sit) round the table. mr. and mrs. brown (watch) tv while kate (read) 16. vicky ) in an italian restaurant 2 years ago.17. as soon as they (phone) me, i (tell) you. 18. ) next week.19. he (phone) me when he (get) home after work. 20. the radio ) at this moment.21. we ) in the garden at 5 yesterday.22. she (walk) along the street every week.23. the olympic games (take place) every four years. 24. you (see) that girl over there yet? she is my friend. 25. the water (boil) already.26. let's go out. look! it (not to rain) and the sun (shine) brightly. 27. vegeta¬rians (not to eat) meat. 28. he (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year. ​

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Я! 1 группа-если эти буквы "разрубить" пополам по вертикали,то получатся одинаковые 2 группа-если эти буквы "разрубить" пополам по горизонтали,то получатся одинаковые 3 группа-если эти буквы "разрубить" либо по вертикали,либо по горизонтали,то получатся одинаковые 4 группа-если эти буквы "разрубить" хоть по вертикали,хоть по горизонтали,то никаких одинаковых половинок не удачи тебе! *)_

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