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Прочитай внимательно ситуацию и выполни : your friend has moved to germany.write a letter to him/her follow the plan: 1.greet him/her. 2.thank him/her for the last letter. 3.ask how he/she is.include some chat about family, friends. 4.cheer him/her up.show how you miss him/her. 5.give news about your life. 6.ask some questions ( about place, school, friends). 7.give a reason to stop writing. 8.invite him/her to visit you in summer. 9.sign off.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                27 march 2013

dear jim (friend),

thank you for your letter. i got it yeterday. i am sorry i haven`t written for so long. i was really busy with my exams.

how are things?

i heard you got a new job? it is  a great piece of luck! how are your parents? i hope that they are healthy.i very miss for you! will you come in your holliday to me? i will be

i went to big theatre a week ago.that`s exactly what i wanted a long time! it is a big, beautiful building.where did you go to excursion last week? how much cost a ticket in any theatre,gallery?

i am sorry i have to stop now.

best wishes,


Просто берешь, видишь в другане предрасположенности к чему-то. Например, ты заметил одноклассника с круто разрисованной джинцовой курткой. Ты такой, -"Вау! Откуда у тебя эта куртка? Че за крутой принт?! "А он такой, -"Ну это я сам дома нарисовал... " А ты ему, -" Вай... Какой молодец. Тебе прям надо этим зарабатывать. "

(Ну, как-то так)

-Wow! Where did you get this jacket? What a cool print?!

- Well... I did it by my self.

- what a cool attaboy! You can earn it!

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