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1. Is there some/any butter in the fridge?
2. There isn't any/no bread in the bag.
3. There are some/any cucumbers on the table.
4. There are any/no potatoes in the box.
5. There is/are some cheese on the shelf.

2. Заполни пропуски словами some/any/no.

1. There is milk in the cup, but it is very cold.
2. There is bread on the table. I can’tmakesandwiches.
3. Are there oranges in the bag?
4. There isn’t cheese in the fridge.
5. There are flowers in the vase. Theyarered.
6. There are carrots in the fridge. I can’tmakesoup.
7. There is coffee in the cup, but it is very hot.
8. Is there cheese in the fridge?
9. There isn’t juice in the glass.
10. There are grapes on the plate. Theyaregreen.
11. They've got buns in this shop.
12. I'dlike potatoes, please.
13. Have you got ice-cream?
14. There aren't boys in the team!
15. There are video shops in the town!
16. This is a terrible party. Thereisn't goodmusic!
17. I've got posters of Ricky Martin.
18. Have you got posters of Britney Spears?
19. 'Sit down, please.' 'But there aren't chairs!'
20. There is milk in the fridge. Go to the shop and buy .
21. I can see tomatoes in the bag. Let'smake salad.
22. There aren’t cucumbers in the fridge.
23. Wouldyoulike tea?
24. Is there cheese on the shelf?
25. There is tea in the crystal glass, but it is very hot.
26. There is fresh milk in the fridge. I can't make porridge.
27. Are there tasty apples in the bag?
28. There isn't jam on the round plate.
29. There are bananas on the wooden table. They are yellow.
30. There is butter on the plate.
31. There is cheese on the table, but there’re cheese sandwiches.
32. There isn't sausage on the table.
33. There are potatoes in the bag.
34. There aren't bananas on the table, but there are cucumbers there.

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Ответы на вопрос:

put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or -ing form.

1. visitors are not pemmited (to touch) works of art or to lean on the cases.

2. we advise (keeping) a safe distance between you and each work of art.

3. visitors are encouraged (to speak) quietly in the

4. we do not allow (smoking) inside the museum building.

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