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Перевести на язык ( только не переводчик) сша - это одна из крупнейших мировых держав. граничит на севере с канадой, на юге - с мексикой. площадь - 9,5 миллионов квадратных километров. столица - город вашингтон. сегодня сша - одна из ведущих , политических и культурных стран в мире.

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The usa is one of the largest world powers. it borders with canada in the north and with mexico in the south. its area is 9,5 million square kilometres. the capital of the usa is washington. today the usa is one of the leading economical, political and cultural countries in the world.

my dream

i usually wake up when my alarm clock goes off, and even if i have had a dream, i don not remember it.

but i cannot forget the strange dream that i had a few months ago. i dreamed that i was walking down a long corridor of an ancient castle. the corridor was lit by torches hanging on the walls. suddenly i heard a rattle, a door opened and in the doorway i saw a figure of a knight in full armor. the knight called me by my name. i walked closer and saw that the knight was holding my smartphone, which i had lost a few days before. for some reason i was not surprised and took my smartphone. then i turned around and walked along the corridor in search of an exit from the castle, but at that moment the wind blew, the torchlight went out and suddenly something pushed me hard in the back. i fell down and dropped my smartphone. i tried to grope it around, but i could not find it. i was scared and then i crawled on all fours forward. soon i hit a wooden door and pushed it open. i was blinded by the bright sunlight, and then i woke up. it was still night and everything was quiet at home.

since that night i have often thought about this dream, but i still have not found my smartphone.

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