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Present perfect раскройте скобки, заменяя инфинитив нужной формой глагола-сказуемого. 1. "you see) the new pictures by andrew? " "yes" "how (to like) it? " "i like it very much" 2. "you ever (to be) to england? " "yes", i (to go) there last winter". 3. "is nick at home? " "no, he (not to come) yet". 4. i ( to finish) work (to read) a book now. 5. "where's your sister? " " (not to come) home from school yet. i think she still (to play) tennis" 6. " (to do) the translation already? you only (to begin) it 20 minutes ago". 7. "you (to finish) the work yet" cant have a look at it? " "certainly. i (to finish) it an hour ago". 8. "when you (to come) to moscow? " "aweekago".

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. 1. "have you seen  the new pictures by andrew? " yes  "how do  you   like it? "  "i like it very much"

2. have you ever been to england? yes, i went there last winter.

3. "is nick at home? " "no, he  has not to come yet".

4. i have just finished my work  and i am reading a book now.

5. where is your sister? she has not come from school yet. i think she is still playing tennis.

6. have you already  done the translation? you only began it 20 minutes ago.

7. you have not finished the work yet. cant have a look at it? certainly. i finishe it an hour ago.

8. when did you come to moscow? a week ago.

seen, liked, been,goen,not come, finished,read, not come, played,doing, began, finished, come,

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