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Вместо пропусков нужно вставить слова, ) most children attend __ where education is free. some childrtn attend either __ or __ where parents pay for their childrens education. schools where children not only study but also live are called __ education is compulsory between the ages at the age of 5 most children start comprehensive schools provide at the ens for each stage pupils take children can get hoger education at to enter a university you have to take

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the age of   7-




stage pupils take exam


education at university.


have to take exam



не понятно где начинаются и кончаются предложения.

Если я правильно понял, то нужно написать так 1)reality programms more interesting than weater forecast 2)spain sunnier than england 3)i taller than my mum 4)the usa bigger than sweden 5)an mp3 player more ? expensive than dvd player 6)she nicer than her sister 7)gloria prettier than her cousin

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