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Выберите правильный вариант: 1) londoners love their parks and are fond… gardening. a) for b) of c) with 2) it is worth … this book. a) read b) reading c) to read 3) every pupil… at school. a) studies b) is studying c) study 4) she is not at… home now. a) a b) - c) the 5) what is the … town in russia? a) oldest b) old c) most oldest 6) my little sister fell down and hurt… . a) itself b) herself c) himself 7) yesterday we… at the party. a) danced b) were dancing c) dance 8) he likes to go to… moscow. a) an b) the c) - 9) they …. this film. a) have seen already b) have already seen c) has already see 10) they… a lot of exotic animals. a) has b) have c) are having 11) easter is a… holiday. a) winter b) spring c) summer 12) d. defoe was … english writer. a) a b) - c) an 13) he has already… the questions. a) answerd b) answer c) answered 14) have you ever been … britain? a) at b) to c) in 15) my brother lives … the western part of vologda. a) in b) - c) on 16) you have cleaned the room, so you … go for a walk. a) can b) must c) may 17) has he returned your book to you? a) yes, he does b) yes, he has c) no, he has. 18) how … ! a) clever he is b) he is clever c) clever is he 19) what… ! a) a lovely day b) lovely day c) lovely a day 20) how … are you? a) older b) old c) elder 21) my …. is my castle. a) home b) house c) horse 22) his hobby is going … . a) on a bike b) by bike c) by a bike 23) most people listen …the radio in the morning. a) on b) - c) to 24) what …. ? a) do you want b) are you wanting c) are you want 25) she has got … aunt and … uncle a) a; a b) the, the c) an, an

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1) b)   2) b)   3) a)   4) b) -   5) a)   6) b)   7) a)   8) c) -   9) b)   10) b)   11) b)   12) c)   13) c)   14) c)   15) a)   16) a)   17) b)   18) a)   19) a)   20) b)   21) b)   22) b)   23) c)   24) a)   25) c)

We arent warching a television programme now.2) we arent watch television every day.3) - 4)я не знаю 5) not 6) not 7) not 8)am not 9) arent 10) havent

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