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Выполнить это 1 a have you finished your homework? b yes i have … well, nearly. 2 a have you had your lunch? b no, not yet. 3 a have you been to the market today? b yes. i’ve just got home. 4 a haven’t you written that email yet? b no. i haven’t had time today. 5 a has michael given you the money? b yes, he’s already given it to me. 6 a have i told you about maria? b no, you haven’t told me yet. 7 a i’ ve lived in bolton for there years. b well, helga has lived here for five years. a what! she’s lived here since 2012! a don’t sound so surprised. i’ve known that for months. 8 a i’ve iost my keys. have you seen them? b no i haven’t, sorry, but i’ve just found your cat in the bin. 9 a haven’t we been here before? b no, we’ve been to wigan but we’ve never been here before. 10 a have you ever been to paris? b no, but i’ve been to farnworth. 11 a have you been happy so far this month? b yes, but i’ve not been very lucky this year. can you find examples of these words in the conversations and circle them in a different colour : ever yet already for (+ a time ) before so far today since never this month заранее

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Ответы на вопрос:

Нужно обвести в кружочки разного цвета слова, найденные в диалоге. как я поняла. надеюсь, правильно

1 b

2 d

3 c

4 e

5 a

номер 2: 1c 2b 3a 4d

Популярно: Английский язык