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Хоть что-нибудь! образуйте все возможные специальные вопросы. 1)excellent marks are in the exercise-book. 2) bob is in class now. 3) he is looking at the blackboard at the moment. 4) their profession is an architect. 5) we want to become builders. ответьте на вопросы 1)which of them studies foreign languages? 2) you don't speak french, do you? 3) can you visit london or paris this month? 4) are there any your text-books in the brief-case? 5) what kind of books do you prefer?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) what marks are in the exercise-book? where are excellent marks?

2) who is in class now? where is bob now?

3) who is looking at the blackboard at the moment? where is he looking at the moment?

4) whose profession is an architect? what is their profession?

5) who wants to become builders? what do we want to become?


ответьте на вопросы

1)which of them studies foreign languages? all of them study foreign languages?

2) you don't speak french, do you? no, i don't.

3) can you visit london or paris this month? i can visit neither london nor paris this month.

4) are there any your text-books in the brief-case? yes, there are.

5) what kind of books do you prefer? i prefer detective stories.

1)excellent marks are in the exercise-book.  where are the excellent marks? 2) bob is in class now.  who  is in class now? 3) he is looking at the blackboard at the moment.  what is he doing  at the moment? 4) their profession is an architect.  what is their profession? 5) we want to become builders. who wants to become builders? ответьте на вопросы 1)which of them studies foreign languages?   peter  studies foreign languages 2) you don't speak french, do you?   no i don't  speak french 3) can you visit london or paris this month?   no i can't, i can't visit london or paris 4) are there any your text-books in the brief-case?   no, there aren't any  text-books in my the brief-case 5) what kind of books do you prefer? i prefer science fiction books

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