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Christmas Traditions in England 1.When do people celebrate Christmas in England ?
* 25th of  Dec
* 24th  of Dec
* 31st of Dec
* 1st of Jan                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
2People send Christmas ... to greet each other.
  * Letters
   * cards
   * faxes
   * presents
3. They wish '' ... Chrisnmas and Happy New Year!''р  
    * Funny
    * Brilliant
    * Merry
    * Busy
4. Santa ''comes'' to every house through ...
    * the door
    * the window
    * the chimney
5. Santa arrives from ...
   * the North Pole
       * Alaska
    * Russa
    * Afrika
6. He brings ...
    * a snow girl
    * snow
    * a New Year tree
    * presents
7. He is ...wearing
    * a rain coat
    * jeans
    * a suit
    * a fur coat
8 . He puts little presents ...
    * under children's beds                                                                                                              *    * into children's shoes
       * into children's stockings                                                                                                                              *      * under their pillows
9. What is Santa's lead reindeer called ?
     * Rudolf
       * Spiderman
       * Donald
       * Snow-wite
10.What do the reindeer pull for Santa Claus ?
* Car
* Sleigh
* Snowboard
* Skies
11.Who helps Santa to make toys ?
* Snow-white
* Elves
* Snowman
* Hobbits
12.Christmas carols are ...
* Christmas songs
* Christmas presents
* Christmas cartoons
* Christmas dinner
13.To please Santa people leave ...
* champagne
* cookies and milk
* money
* turkey
14.Traditional Christmas dinner consists of ...
* Turkey
* Roast chicken
* French fries
*Apple pie
15.What are the symbols of Christmas ?
* Christmas tree
* Mistletoe
* New cjmputer
* Snow​

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1. easier
2. the most interesting
3. the hottest
4. the most difficult
5. better
6. more exciting
7. the most intelligent
8. the oldest
9. more important
10. more expensive
11. the most famous
12. easier
13. cheaper
14. is older
15. more delicious
16. the most beautiful
17. worse
18. more modern
19. the newest
20. younger

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