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Существительные с суфиксами: -ity -ment -ing

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)ability (способность) 2) equipment (оборудование)3) proceeding (поступок)

1. george teaches children an school. he is a teacher.2. nataly performs on the stage. she is an actress.3. walter writes articles to newspaper. he is a journalist.4. andrew drives a taxi. he is a taxi driver.5. simon drives a bus.he is a bus  driver. 6. robert plays football professionally.  he is a football player.7. bob flies planes. he is a pilot.8. paul plays tennis professionally.he is a tennis  player. 9. emily can cure you if you are ill. she is a doctor or a nurse.  10. betsy paints pictures. she is an artist.

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