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Here are twenty adjectives to describe a person´s character or personality. Complete the sentences below with a suitable adjective from the list. Use each word only once.

affectionate cheerful forgetful lively
bad-tempered childish friendly materialistic
big-headed clever greedy modest
bossy cruel honest optimistic
brave easy-going impulsive pessimistic

1. The Brown children were very __________________ at school, so i´m not a bit surprised that they did so well at the university.

2. Frank will never steal anything. You can trust him completely. He´s so __________________

3. She won the race easily. But instead of boasting about it, she just said she was lucky. That´s typical of her. She´s so _______________________

4. They´re a very __________________ couple. They´re always showing their fondness and love for each other.

5. As a child he was very ____________________ and used to hit and kick animals – especially cats.

6. She always wants a bigger share than anyone else. She´s so ____________________

7. Gloria is always expecting the best to happen. She´s such an ______________________ person.

8. Paul is always so angry and irritable. I´ve never met anyone else quite as __________________ as him.

9. My cousin is always happy and smiling. She´s such a ___________________ person.

10. We had such a warm welcome whene we were in Denmark. I had no idea that Danes wer so _________________

11. Most people are far too _________________ nowadays. All they seem interested in is buying more and more things such as cars, TVs, and so on.

12. My grandfather always expects the worst to happen. He´s really _____________________

13. Don´t keep telling Sharon how wonderful and talented she is. She´ll get ___________________!

14. You´d better write his phone number down, Dave. You won´t remember it otherwise. You know how __________________ you are.

15. I could never be a childminder. Children are far too ________________ for me. i´d be exhausted just watching them running around.

16. He loves telling people what to do. He´s so ___________________.

17. Peter never worries very much or gets annoyed. He´s a very _______________ person.

18. My husband´s very __________________ If he sees something he just buys it without thinking about whether we can afford it or not.

19. Oh, grow up Simon! Stop being so _______________!

20. The police told her she was very ___________________ to jump into the river to rescue her sister.

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