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12. употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени, лице и числе. 1. where you (to be) yesterday? – i (to go) to the theatre. 2. they usually (not to speak) english at home. 3. listen! somebody (to cry) in the next room. 4. we (to be going) to watch this film in the evening. 5. when he (to speak) to your brother about this? – tomorrow. 6. how many lessons you (to have) last tuesday? 7. hi, tom! what you (to do) here?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. where were  you yesterday? – i went to the theatre. 2. they usually don't speak english at home. 3. listen! somebody is crying in the next room. 4. we are going to watch this film in the evening. 5. when will  he speak to your brother about this? – tomorrow. 6. how many lessons did  you have last tuesday? 7. hi, tom! what are  you doing here?

How did you i will i is listens как ты своей сестре прошлым летом? я отправлю открытку моему другу завтра. каждый день на пути в школу я встречаю моих друзей. его дедушка слушает рок н ролл. это странно. он всегда слушает классическую музыку

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