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Нужно выбрать соответствующие формы глаголов в скобках для завершения предложения. 5. i opened the window, it (rained/was raining) heavily. a cold wind (blew /was blowing). red, yellow and brown leaves (fell /were falling) down onto the ground. i (understood /was understanding) that autumn (came /was coming).

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Ответы на вопрос:

5. i opened the window, it (was raining) heavily. a cold wind (was blowing). red, yellow and brown leaves (were falling) down onto the ground. i (understood) that autumn (was coming).

1- it was raining 2-was blowing 3-were falling 4-understood 5-came

1 будет мальчик пришол дал дал ушёл

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