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170. раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present continuous, present simple или в future simple. 1. when you (to get) up every day? - - i (to get) up at seven o'clock. 2. my brother usually (not to get) up at seven o'clock. as a rule, he (to get) up at six o'clock, but tomorrow he (to get) up at seven o'clock. 3. why she (to come) home so late tomorrow? 4. we (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow. 5. our friends always (to go) to the country for the week-end. 6. look! the kitten (to play) with its tail. 7. your parents (to watch) tv now? 8. my sister (not to rest) now. she (to help) mother in the kitchen. she (to help) mother in the kitchen every day. 9. where she (to go) tomorrow? 10. she (to go) to the country with us tomorrow? 11. they (to stay) at home tomorrow. 12 what you (to do) now? i (to see) that you (not to read). 13. when you (to finish) your homework? it (to be) very late, it (to be) time to go to bed. 14. how you usually (to spend) evenings? 15. what you (to do) in the country next summer? 16. they (not to drink) tea now. i (to think) they (to watch) tv. 17. what your father (to drink) in the evening?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) when do you get up every day?   i get up at 7 o'clock 2) doesn't get up, gets, will get 3) will she come 4) will go 5)go 6) is playing 7) are your parents watching tv now? 8) is resting, helped 9) will she go 10) will she go 11) will stay 12)are you doing 13) will you, is, is 14) do you usually spend 15) will you do 16) are not drinking tea 17) does your father

listen, ivan singing in the room.

he doesn't see that i look at it, as he reads something with a great interest.

call him now. i think that he doesn't sleep yet.

look at the person who sits at a window. he/she is our lawyer.

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