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не вру. TEST 4
1 Listen and match the presents and people. e.g. 1d
1) a lovely picture from a) my friend Diana.
2) two interesting books from b) my aunt and uncle.
3) CD with songs from c) my friends.
4) a big box of chocolates from d) my brother.
5) beautiful flowers from e) my grandmother.
6) a lot of birthday cards from f) my father.
2 Match the words. e.g. 1d
1) a bottle of a) sausages
2) a packet of b) chocolate
3) a box of c) jam
4) a jar of d) Coca Cola
5) a bar of e) sweets
6) a kilo of f) tea
3 Read and choose the correct answer. e.g. 1a
When I was a little boy we lived in a small 1) ___ . My school was far
from home. I 2) ___ there on foot. I was unhappy because I did not have a
bike. My friend Sam had a 3) ___ and he rode to school. I asked my parents
to buy me a bike but my father did not have 4) ___ .
One day when I went to 5) ___ I saw Sam on the road. He could not
move. He had a 6) ___ . I took his 7) ___ and rode to his home. His parents
8) ___ him home. After that Sam’s parents 9) ___ him a new big bike. It was
10) ___ . Sam gave me his old bike. I was happy to 11) ___ a bike.

1 a) village b) home c) school
2 a) send b) went c) drive
3 a) cow b) toy c) bike
4 a) money b) presents c) cars
5 a) city b) school c) visit
6 a) sore leg b) sore eye c) runny nose
7 a) ruler b) bike c) travel
8 a) have b) visited c) took
9 a) bought b) took c) buy
10 a) difficult b) recycled c) wonderful
11 a) present b) have c) buy
4 Match the parts. e.g. 1b
1) You should brush a) 15 litres of water.
2) You wasted b) your teeth.
3) When you reduce the water, c) we use energy.
4) People make d) tea or coffee.
5) When we make tea e)glass
glass bottles.
6) We should recycle f)you save the you save the water.​

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in the shade of the trees of the city park of culture and recreation of the city of togliatti you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city. the park is rich in greenery, there are many picturesque corners, and therefore it is a favorite place for walks of the locals. after all, in summer, on any hot day, it will allow you to relax the coolness of the shady crowns of numerous trees, and in winter will delight its visitors with the beauty of the snow-covered corners of the park. in spring, walking along the evening paths, you can enjoy the smell of blossoming plants.

there are a lot of benches for tourists, some of which are located in the quiet corners of the park and surrounded by green walls of shrubs, these places are mainly attractive for young people.  

перевод на .

в тени деревьев городского парка культуры и отдыха города тольятти можно отдохнуть от городского шума и суеты. парк богат зелеными насаждениями, здесь много живописных уголков, и поэтому он является излюбленным местом для прогулок местных жителей. ведь летом здесь в любой знойный день позволит расслабиться прохлада тенистых крон многочисленных деревьев, а зимой порадуют своих посетителей красотой заснеженные закоулки парка. весной, прогуливаясь по вечерним дорожкам, можно насладиться запахом цветущих растений.

для отдыхающих предусмотрено множество лавочек, некоторые из которых располагаются в тихих уголках парка и окружены зелеными стенами кустарника, эти места в основном привлекают молодежь.

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