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Диалог на тему "моя школа".10 класс

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Hi, jane! haven’t seen you for ages! - hello, john! i’m so glad to meet you! you see, we moved to a new flat last month so now i go to another school. - oh, i see. and how is new school? do you like it? - yes, very much. it’s situated right behind our house. it’s newly built three-stored building with large classrooms and wide windows. the classrooms are light with comfortable desks and chairs. - and what about the gym? - there are even two gyms – a big one for the senior pupils and a small one for juniors. they have all the necessary sport equipment. there we can play basketball, volleyball and football. and also there is a stadium near the school. - that’s great, jane! does your new school have a computer class? - oh, yes! with a modern computer for every pupil. i’m looking forward to studying informatics! - have you already made friends with somebody from your new class? - no, i still don’t have close friends there, but there are some classmates whom i often talk to and go for a walk after school. - is it hard to study there? is there much homework to do? - just like in any other school. but i like most of our teachers – they manage to explain everything well and they put just marks. - i’m glad you like your new school, jane! may i visit you someday? - sure! here’s my new address and telephone. call me!

Ак уже было отмечено, в музыкальной культуре украины большое значение имел инструментальный фольклор. еще в древние времена единственными инструментами в ансамбле были: бубен, скрипка и сопилка. впоследствии ассортимент инструментов расширялся. сейчас народный инструментарий отличается своим разнообразием - присутствуют и струнные, и духовые, и ударные инструменты. большая часть инструментов родилась на территории государства. оставшаяся часть была заимствована у других народностей. - читайте подробнее на fb.ru:  

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