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Fill in the correct word. buy, attend, do, have, visit, stay, spend, taste, post, travel. 1.do you know where i can these letters? 2.when sue and paul go on holiday they souvenirs. 3.mary wants to a performance at the thearte. 4.we often local food when travel to exotic countries. 5.they are going to some sightseeing in the afternoon. 6.when are you going to london? 7.why do not we a picnic on sunday? 8.jess wants to in a luxurious hotel. 9.anna decided to around the world. 10.how are you going to your weekend?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1do 2 buy 3 have 4 taste 5 atend 6 visit 7have 8 stay 9 travel 10 spend    

Study, have, -like-, drive, speak, play, do, eat, read. 1 + my father reads  the times (если  the times-тгазета) 2 - her house is big, but, it has  a garden 3 + we speak  french very well. 4 - i eat fast food. 5 + she drives  a bmw, 6 - i play  computer games. 7 - my father does housework. 8 + he studies economics at university.

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