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Нужно составить похожий диалог a: in my opinion there's absolutely nothing to watch on television nowadays b: no, i'm sure you're wrong. personally i watch tv a lot. a: you must be joking me! they show nothing but stupid old films and soap operas. b: not exactly. only yesterday i watched a very interesting documentary about on climate change. a: it my be interesting for you, but most people just don't watch such stuff. b: forgive me if i keep correcting you but i have a some friends who like the same program as i do.

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A; in me opinion there is absolutely nothing to read books nowadays& b; no,  i'm sure you're wrong! personally i read books a lot. a: you must be joking me! in the  library there are stupid novels and dystopia. b; not exactly. only yesterday i read a very interesting classic book about love and   death. a; it maybe interesting for you but most people don't read such stuff. b; forgive me if i cep correcting you but i have a some friends who like the sa,e book as i do.

1. My mother went to France last weekend.

2. I was at school in the morning, and then I went home.

3. Moira gave me a nice birthday present.

4. Anna didn't understand the professor’s explanation.

5. Mum cooked pasta as she knew we were hungry.

6. We liked the film, because we were both into comedies.

7. It didn't rain a lot last week.

8. Did you see Clair at the airport?

9. We were too exhausted to continue exercising.

10. Susan slept seven hours yesterday.

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