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Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. (Поставь глагол в скобках в нужную форму.)

1. The book
many years ago. (to write)
2. My car
every year. (to service)
3. I
to the camp next summer. (to send)
4. The wound must
by a doctor. (to examine)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. The book was written many years ago.

2. My car is serviced every year.

3. I will be sent to the camp next summer.

4. The wound must be examined by a doctor.


1. книга была написана время

2. машина обслуживается каждый год, поэтому is serviced

3. я буду отправлен в лагерь, будущее время

4. рана должна быть осмотрена, модальный глагол must, если после него идет второй глагол, то ставим частицу be с глаголом третьей формы (ed)

1. there isn't a bakery in the street. is there a bakery in the street? 2. there aren't any photos on the wall. are there any photos on the wall? 3. there wasn't anybody in the hall. was there anybody in the hall? 4. there weren't any people in the room. were there any people in the room? 5. there hasn't been a meeting at the club this week. has there been a meeting at the club this week? 6. there will not be a film in the club today. will there be a film in the club today?

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