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Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму. 1. the land use planning agencies register the right on land parcels which are given to land users. 2. soviet land use planner took an active part in implementing the radical land reforms.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the land use planning agencies don't  register the right on land parcels which are given to land users. do the land use planning agencies  register the right on land parcels which are given to land users? 2. soviet land use planner didn't  take  an active part in implementing the radical land reforms. did soviet land use planner take  an active part in implementing the radical land reforms?

The land use planning agencies register the rght on land parcels which are given to land users
4,8(70 оценок)

C. Complete the sentences with some,any,no или every.

1.I'd like some new CDs, but i've got no money.

2.Келли has got some free time in the второй половине дня. She goes to art class for two hours every day.

3. Every youth club has got board games.

4.There isn't any rubbish in the bin.

5. Every students at my school like football and they play every day.

6.I don't want any sugar in my coffee. I hate sugar.

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