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Complete the reported imperatives and requests.

1 "Please switch off your mobile phones."

The flight attendant told us

2 Be patient!"

The teacher told us

3 "Open your mouth."

The dentist told me

4 "Don't tell the girls!"

Jessica told us

5 "Please don't drive so fast!"

I asked the taxi driver

6 "Could you show me your passport?"

The policeman asked me

7 "Don't talk if your mouth is full!"

I told my daughter

8 "Can you bring me the bill, please?"

He asked the waiter

9 "Get off at the next stop."

The bus driver told me

10 "Don't wait."

Our friends told us

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Ответы на вопрос:

Nature is a beautiful world that surrounds a person. These are mountains, fields, forests, rivers, lakes. Nature gives people shelter, food and clothing, this is the air they breathe. Not to take care of nature means not to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Currently, a huge problem of humanity is an ecological catastrophe on earth. There is a daily pollution of rivers, seas and oceans by industrial and industrial waste, air by caustic fuel of motor vehicles. Hectares of forest are constantly being cut down, animals and birds are being exterminated at the hands of poachers, fish are dying from toxic emissions of enterprises into reservoirs. Everyone should think about how to preserve nature, how to preserve it for future generations of people. To constantly admire the beauty of natural resources, you need to burn bonfires, store garbage only in designated places. Do not break twigs, do not tear off leaves of trees unnecessarily, do not ruin bird nests and anthills In order to prevent the elimination of all living things on the planet, it is necessary for everyone, even the head of a country, an enterprise, even a simple citizen, a schoolboy, to understand his place in life, that only by treating nature and others with love, carefully protecting them, it is possible to preserve the human race on earth and save it from imminent death


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