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My mum works in she is a she i think that she my dad is a he works he he says that

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My mum works in pop music. she is a singer. she sings, dances and acts.i think that she is very creative. my dad is a driver.he works for a big company. he does not like his job. he says that it is too tiring.

My sister is a very good dentist, isn’t she? – моя сестра хороший дантист, не так ли? they are not writing now, are they? – они сейчас не пишут, правда? jim has got much money, hasn’t he? – у джима много денег, не так ли? olga can’t swim fast, can she? – ольга не умеет быстро плавать, да? students must come to university in time, mustn’t they? – студенты должны приходить в университет вовремя, не так ли? you will cross the street at the green light, won’t you? – ты перейдешь дорогу на зеленый свет, да?

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