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Карточка № 1 Поставить глаголы в скобках в Past Simple: 1.Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (be) a famous Russian playwright and physician.
3.Anton Chekhov (be) born on January 29th, 1860 in Taganrog, which is a port-city in south of Russia.
5.His mother (be) an excellent story-teller and a kind-hearted woman.
7.He also (sing) at his father’s choir at the Greek Orthodox monastery
9.Chekhov (stay) in Taganrog to sell the family possessions and to finish his education.
11.After three years he (join) his family in Moscow and (enter) a medical school there.
13.Before long, Chekhov (discover) that he (suffer) from tuberculosis.
15.During one of such trips he (meet) Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky there..
17. Chekhov ( die) on July 15th 1904.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 was

3 was

5 was

7 sang

9 stayed

11 joined

13 discovered / suffered

15 met

17 died


1.Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a famous Russian playwright and physician.

3.Anton Chekhov was born on January 29th, 1860 in Taganrog, which is a port-city in south of Russia.

5.His mother was an excellent story-teller and a kind-hearted woman.

7.He also sang at his father’s choir at the Greek Orthodox monastery

9.Chekhov stayed in Taganrog to sell the family possessions and to finish his education.

11.After three years he joined his family in Moscow and (enter) a medical school there.

13.Before long, Chekhov discovered that he suffered from tuberculosis.

15.During one of such trips he met Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky there..

17. Chekhov died on July 15th 1904.

My favourite tv programme. моя улюблена телепередача 11 фев 2010 моя улюблена телепередача «поки усі вдома». моїм батькам і братові вона теж подобається, так що ми дивимося її всі разом. у цій програмі ми зустрічаємося з цікавими людьми. вони розпові нам про себе і свою роботу, знайомлять із членами своїх родин. атмосфера на цій передачі дружня і неофіційна. учасники часто розпові забавні історії і жартують. іноді мені здається, що вони в нас у гостях, вони — наші близькі друзі і сидять з нами в нашій вітальні. ще одна відмітна риса цієї передачі — це та частина, де розпові, як зробити самому різні речі. особливо цим цікавиться мій брат. він часто пробує зробити те, що вони описують. крім всього іншого, я люблю цю передачу за те, що вона робить нашу родину ще дружнішою.                     my favourite tv programme is “while everyone’s at home”. my parents and my brother like it too, so we watch it all together. in this programme we meet interesting people. they tell us about themselves and their work, introduce members of their families. the atmosphere of the programme is very friendly and informal. the participants often tell amusing stories and make jokes. sometimes i feel as if they are our guests, our close friends, sitting with us in our living-room. another interesting feature of this programme is the “do-it-yourself” part. my brother is especially interested in it. he often tries to make the things they describe. i also like this programme because it makes our family more united

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