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Переведите на : 1)his family moved into almaty from semey two years ago. 2)she started her business education not so long ago. 3)at the start of her business no one helped her. 4)if nothing unusual happens we shall move in the ordinary way. 5)after four year primary schools he went together comprise eleven years of study. 6)education is compulsary for all children in the republic of kazakhstan. 7)a school year lasts 9 months.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)его семья переехала в алматы из семея два года назад. 2)она начала свой бизнес-образования не так давно. 3)на старте своего бизнеса никто не ей. 4)если ничего необычного не произойдет, мы будем двигаться в обычном порядке. 6)обязательное образование для всех детей в республике казахстан. 7)учебный год длится 9 месяцев                                                                           5-не могу понять 

1. if i (lived) in the country, i (would have) a horse.

2. you must visit the dentist if you can not eat sweets.

3. if my brother (finishes) homowork on time, he will for a walk.

1. we your doдs two blocks from here

2. did you wash your hands?

3. did they the contract?

4. while you will having fun.

da) were swimming

5. hoanuncio c) was composing from 10 to 12.

6. when i called she a) was haying a bath.

7. did you b) play yesterday?

8, i called john too late, he c) had already left.

9. by five o'clock on tuesday eny 6) had already learned all the words.

10. we c) were dancing at the party at eight o'clock last friday.

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