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. Hi Paul,
Thanks for your letter about your daily routine. I 1) ... (get up) at 7 am every morning and I 2) ... (have) breakfast with my brother, Mark. Then, I 3) ... (walk) to school. Mark 4) ... (not/go) to school. He is 21 and he 5) ... (work) in the city. He 6) ... (start) work at 9 o’clock and he 7) ... (finish) at 5 o’clock. When Mark 8) ... (come) home in the evening, we 9) ... (eat) dinner together. Then, we usually 10) ... (play) video games, but we 11) ... (not/watch) TV. 12) ... (you/have) a brother or sister?
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4)go. 11)watch. 12)have.


Всё надо списать кроме то что вверху

1.2.7. put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (past simple or past continuous).

1) they were jogging in the park yesterday, when they saw their teacher.

2) when father (came) home yesterday evening, we (were eating) our supper.

3) my granny (was working) in the garden last week, when she (found) a golden ring.

4) when i (saw) tim's father, he (was walking) to work.

5) when i (came) after classes yesterday evening, my little sister (was sleeping)

6) when i (met) my classmate a minute ago, he (was running) to school.

7) when she (returned) home from school yesterday, her dog (was eating) meat.

8) i (called) sophie at nine last night, but she (not be) at home. she was (having) a piano lesson.

9) my cousins (were discussing) something yesterday when i (walked) into the room.

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