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Write out of the text by the light of the moon words and word write out of the text by the light of the moon words and word combinations that can describe or characterize the moon. today most of us are pretty used to the moon, there it is in the sky — crescent (растущая) or half or years ago people lived by the changing phases of moon. they kept calendars and holidays by the moon. they planted seed in the spring's new moon and harvested in the autumn's full moon. and fisherman all over the world told the morrow's (завтрашний) weather by the moon. for many people the moon long remained a mysterious heavenly body that could bring good fortune or ill. it could bring good luck if it was a new moon and you had silver coins in your pocket to jingle (звон). a new moon was also the time to make a wish, take a trip, go a-courting, or cut your hair. but the moon could bring bad luck, too. if you saw a woman combing her hair in the light of the full moon, or you planted seed during the full moon, you would have bad luck. almost everyone believed if you slept with moonlight on your face, you'd go crazy. indeed any people believe this that we get the word lunatic from the word for moon, luna. today, of course, we know that none to these things is true. you can asleep in the moonlight and wake up as normal as you were yesterday. you might harvest your crops in the full moon with poor results or harvest in a sickle moon and do well. you might start your vacation on during the new moon and have a flat tire right away. nevertheless, there it the moon, hanging up there in the sky, seeming to change its shape before our very eyes. no wonder people continue to be fascinated by it. since the beginning of time, they have tried to explain how it got there and why it behaves the way it does. the first people to try to explain the creation and behaviour of the moon were tribal poets and storytellers. there are hundreds of folktales about the moon.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Amysterious heavenly body that could bring good fortune or ill new moon crescent (растущая) or half or full

1. vera asked why their team had lost the game - it had always been very strong. 2. tom asked mary where she had put his book - he could not find it. 3. fred said that he was very happy, because he had bought a very good bicycle. 4. the man asked the boys whom they were waiting for. 5. mary said that she shouldn't go to the party the next day because she didn't feel well. 6. walter said that they had seen a lot of places of interest when they had been travelling around europe the previous summer. 7. jane supposed that they would go to the theatre the next day. 8. lena asked me not to take the books from her table, and added that she had specially prepared them for working at her report. 9. nick's grandfather told him not to be afraid of a dog because that dog was very clever and that it wouldn't do him any harm. 10. my aunt told me that she would gladly go to the cinema with me because she hadn't seen that film and she wanted to see it very much. 11. the teacher asked the pupils which of them could answer her question. 12. she asked the doctor if he thought that simple food was better for children than rich food.

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