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БУДЬ ЛАСКА , ТЕРМІНОВО ІВ Завдання:Добрий день!

Перекладіть на англ мову, використовуючи 4 минулих часи:

Ти пам’ятаєш що ти робив вчора в 21:00 ?А що, я гуляв в місті.То був гарний день ,то був гарний вечір - пташки співали ,квіти пахнули,всі гуляли.
Уяви, в той час як я гуляв, наді мною пролітав літак ! Це було неочікувано !
коли я прийшов додому, моя сім’я вже повечеряла . Мама знала ,що я гуляв 3 години .
І що ти зробив далі ?Я щось поїв по сидів телефоні та пішов спати .До того як я заснув ,я ще довго думав про неї…

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Ответы на вопрос:


Good day!

Do you remember what you were doing yesterday at 9:00 PM? Well, I was strolling around the city. It was a beautiful day, it was a beautiful evening - birds were singing, flowers were blooming, everyone was out and about.

Guess what? While I was walking, an airplane flew over me! It was unexpected!

When I got home, my family had already had dinner. Mom knew that I had been out for 3 hours.

And what did you do next? I grabbed a bite to eat, sat on my phone for a while, and went to bed. Before falling asleep, I kept thinking about her for a long time...

My summer was unforgettable, every day i played with friends, went to the river, swam in the sea, visited my grandmother from the village. every day was filled with various positive emotions, and there was not any time to upset. i found new friends who became me as relatives, with whom we spent a lot of time together and there was a lot of memories that i will never forget.

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