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1. прочитай дефиницию ( описание) слова определи какое это слово и допиши его.the colour of a bright summer sky and a deep lake. b_ _ _a place where pupils go learn and teachers to work. s_ _ _ _ _a big and dangerous animal that likes honey and can climb trees. b_ _ _you can see it at the cinema or on tv f_ _ _to use a musical instrument to produce music or to take part in a game. p_ _ 2 . выбери правильную ответную реплику из трёх предложенных. how are then.thanks.fine, thanks.2) can you come to my house for have to ask my mom.i like lunch.that’s a good time! 3) can i take your , you do.i’ m sorry, i need it myself. 4) have some more a. no, it’s fine. b. yes, that’s tasty. c. thank you, i’ll have one more. 5) how long is your music a. it’s one o’clock. b. half an hour. c. at 3 p.m.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The colour of a bright summer sky and a deep lake. sluea place where pupils go learn and teachers to work. schoola big and dangerous animal that likes honey and can climb trees. bearyou can see it at the cinema or on tv filmto use a musical instrument to produce music or to take part in a game. playhow are you? fine, thanks.2) can you come to my house for lunch? i have to ask my mom.3) can i take your pen? i’m sorry, i need it myself.4) have some more cakes? thank you, i’ll have one more.5) how long is your music class? half an hour.

1 was cleaning, came

2 visited

3 had been playing

4 I had already left when Tom arrived

5 was drinking when sue was sleeping

6 didn't watch because it had already finished

7 had been working

8 jane was planting when it started

9 he had been working

10 had learnt, came


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