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7 б, г к/р 1. Змінити ступені порівняння прикметників:
1. late
2. enormous
3. wavy
4. little
5. hot
6. delicious

2. Обрати правильну відповідь:

1. The second part is not as the first.
as interesting
the most interesting
interesting enough

2. Tom is ... friend of all.
as good as
the best

3. My bag is ... than yours.
the biggest
too big

4. You are under 14. You're ... to watch this film.
too young
as young as

5. It isn't... to wear this dress.
warm enough
the warmest
as warm as

6. This is ... song I've ever heard.
the worst

3. Вставити пропущене слово:
some, any, much, many, no, a lot of, a few, a little, few, little

1. I have got friends. I am happy.
2. I needn't apples.
3. How flour should I buy?
4. How bananas do you want?
5. There is milk in the bottle.
6. There is food on the plate. It's empty.
7. I have got only apllles. But I can make pancakes with them.
9. I have got only flour. I can't make pancakes with it.
I have got only flour. But I can make pancakes with it.
10. I have got only apllles. I can't make pancakes with them.
11. Are there apples?
12. Is there milk?

4. Утворити прислівники з прикметників:

Bad -
Good -
Hard -
Beautiful -

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не знаю но догадываюсь а правильный ответ Пришли потом где-нибудь через день 2 дня

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