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Прочитайте предложение о настоящем. напишите предложение о прошлом. пример: tom usually gets up at 7.30. yesterday he got up at 8.30. tom usually wakesup early. yesterday morning ………………………. tom usually walksto work. yesterday …………………………………. tom isusuallylatefor work. yesterday ………………………………… . tom usually hassandwich for lunch. yesterday ……………………….. tom usually goes outin the evening. yesterday evening ………………. tom usually sleepsvery well. last night ………………………………

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Ответы на вопрос:

Yesterday morning he woke up lately. yesterday he awalked to the park. yesterday he was not late for work. yesterday he had some soup for lunch. yesterday he went out in the afternoon. last night he slept very bad.

Yesterday morning tom woke up early yesterday tom walked to work yesterday tom lated for work yesterday tom has a sandwich for lunch yesterday evening tom went out in the evening last night tom slept well

1) if we hurry we'll get on time. 2)you'll get wet if it rains. 3)if i win the compotition i'll have a big party. 4)we'll walk home if the bus doesn't come. 5)we'll be late if we don't leave now. 6)if you break my camera i'll be angry. 7)the party won't be fun if you don't come. 8)if you wear a coat you'll not be cold.

Популярно: Английский язык