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Some meat is given a different name from the animal it comes from. Write down the names of the animals the following kinds of meat come from. 1. beef.
2. bacon
3. pork
4. veal
5. mutton.
6. ham

IX. Choose the appropriate word. English people like animals very much.
Pet dogs, cats and birds have a (more, much) better life in Britain (then, than) in any (other, others, another) country. In Britain there are (specially, special) shops that sell food, clothes and (others, other, another) things for dogs. The English (do, make) all they can to (do, make) animals feel well in their home and outside their home (also, too).

X. Choose the right variant.
7971. I didn't get a holiday this year. a) So did I. b) Neither did I. c) I didn't too.
2. I'm not keen on dancing. a) Don't you? b) Aren't you? c) Are you?

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Ответы на вопрос:

beef - comes from cattle

bacon - comes from pigs

pork - comes from pigs

veal - comes from calves (young cows)

mutton - comes from sheep

ham - typically comes from pigs, but can also refer to cured meat from other animals like chicken or turkey.

IX. Choose the appropriate word:

English people like animals very much. Pet dogs, cats, and birds have a much better life in Britain than in any other country. In Britain, there are special shops that sell food, clothes, and other things for dogs. The English do all they can to make animals feel well in their home and outside their home too.

X. Choose the right variant:

I didn't get a holiday this year. - b) Neither did I.

I'm not keen on dancing. - a) Don't you?

Назовите красный сочный овощ, которыймы едим в салате илиделаем из него кетчуп.некоторые думают, что это овощ,но это не так. (ответ: помидор)name a red juicy fruit that we eat in salads or cook it to make ketchup. some people think that it is a vegetable,  but it is not. (answer: tomato)

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