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Заполните пропуски предлогами in, on, to, at, into, from, since. for, by 1. sunday i usually get up nine o'clock. 2. we didn't want to town on such a hot day. 3. we haven't seen our ages. 4. so we decided to the country . 5. i haven't been to last winter 6 pour some my cup 7. they returned from the sunset. 8 a strong wind the sea. 9 she'll have three o'clock or it will be too late. 10 he came into the room and the desk.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.on, 2.in, 3.for, 4.to, 5.for, 6.into, 7.by, 8.from, 9.since, 1o. at.

On in for to since into at from by at

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