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Present Perfect or Past Simple? Complete the sentences.
1. I’m not hungry. I’ve already … (have) breakfast.
2. We …. (not go) camping last weekend as it rained heavily.
3. Jack … (not decide) yet what to do after leaving school.
4. We … (have) a great party last night.
5. My elder sister … (work) as a teacher for two years and she is happy.
6. My brother … (work) in Moscow for two years and then he moved to St.Petersburg.
7. I … (know) my friend since childhood.
8. Our car … (break) down at midnight so we … (take) a taxi to go home last night.
9. Our washing machine … (break) down so we can’t do washing.
10. Dorothy … (climb) up an apple tree and … (eat) apples. She was so happy!
11. … (you see) the new film yet? Yes, I … (have). When … (you see) it? I … (see) it yesterday.
12. …(you be) to London? Yes, I ….(have). When …(be) there? I … (be) there last year.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I’m not hungry. I’ve already had breakfast.

2. We didn't go camping last weekend as it rained heavily.

3. Jack hasn't decided yet what to do after leaving school.

4. We had a great party last night.

5. My elder sister has worked as a teacher for two years and she is happy.

6. My brother worked in Moscow for two years and then he moved to St. Petersburg.

7. I have known my friend since childhood.

8. Our car broke down at midnight so we took a taxi to go home last night.

9. Our washing machine has broken down so we can’t do washing.

10. Dorothy climbed up an apple tree and ate apples. She was so happy!

11. Have you seen the new film yet? Yes, I have. When did you see it? I saw it yesterday.

12. Have you been to London? Yes, I have. When were you there? I was there last year.


Present Perfect употребляется, когда мы говорим о действиях в без указания времени совершения действия. Past Simple употребляется, когда мы называем точное время совершения действия.
Present Perfect употребляется, когда действие еще продолжается в настоящем или произошло в еще не законченный период времени (в предложении есть today, this week и т. п.). Past Simple употребляется, когда действие уже закончилось и не имеет связи с настоящим (в предложении есть слова yesterday, last week, выражения со словом ago и т. д.)

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