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Перекладіть на ійську .привіт іра .як твої справи? як навчання у школі? які у тебе оцінки? я дуже хочу з тобою зустрітися. привіт аліна.у мене все добре.оцінки хороші. ми можемо з тобою зустрітися у неділю в парку в 15 годині біля фонтану

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

Hi ira, how are you? how learning in school? how  evaluation you have? i want meet with you ! - hello alina . im good. we can meet on sunday in the park  near the fountain on 3 oclock 

ответ:I have to learn English.

2. She has to clean her room.

3. He has to read books.

4. He has to find a good solution.

5. I have to decide.

6. We have to think about it more.

7. They have to show you it.

8. Everyone has to be polite.

9. People have to respect the traffic rules.

10. Before visiting another country, travelers have to read more about it.

11. To avoid an accident you have to be careful.

12. He has to go.

13. I have to visit it.

14. I have to start working.

15. They have to do their best


Популярно: Английский язык