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1. We just (meet) an American actor. 2. your husband (sell) the house?
3. I (not start) my new job yet.
4. you (be) to New York before?
5. Ann (not choose) the dessert yet.
6. They (do) the shopping today.
7. Tom ever (visit) Disneyland?
8. I just (see) a horror film.
9. She (not find) her coat.
10. The cat already (eat up) the fish.
11. The garden is very green. It (rain) a lot this month.
12. These are my favourite trousers. I (have) them for five years.
13. Tom's my best friend. I (know) him for three years.
14. They (live) in Miami for two years.
15. Jo has earache. He (have) it since 7 o'clock.
16. Brad (live) in Chicago since 1998.
17. I (not clean) my football boots.
18. They (not start) their meal.
19. I (not do) my homework.
20. He (not win) all his matches this year.
21. My brother and I (not see) any films this week.
22. It's my birthday party today. I (not invite) many people.
23. He (not wash) his hands. They're very dirty.
24. Mum's really angry. We (not tidy) our room!
25. I can't play with my friends this evening. I (not finish) my homework.
26. I (not visit) New York for three years.
27. Where's Alison? We (not see) her since yesterday.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1)Have just met

2)Has, sold

3)Haven't started

4)have, been

5)hasn't chosen

6)have done

7)Has, visited

8)have, seen

9)hasn't found

10)has, eaten up

11) has rained

12) have had

13) have known

14) have lived

15) has been having

16) has been living

17) haven't cleaned

18) haven't started

19) haven't done

20) hasn't won

21) haven't seen

22) haven't invited

23) hasn't washed

24) haven't tidied

25) haven't finished

26) haven't visited

27) haven't seen

1. they didn’t want to cash a check, so i … by credit card.

b. paid

2. the bank of england increased its lending rate … 7.75 % … 8.25%.

b. from… to

3. high interest rates… impact on the consumer’s ability to buy a new house.

d. have

4 according to the balance sheet they … a large profit last year.

c. made

5. customers … respectfully … to pay within 14 days.

c. are requested

6. our profits … recently.

d. have risen

7. if you require … information or assistance, ask at your local department.

a. further

8. … cheques is safer than carrying cash around.

d. using

9. whenever you want … a sum of money you just go to the bank and pay it in.

c. to save

10. … a share gives its holder part of the ownership of the company.

b. buying

11. the interest rate … not really … … by the government.

a. is… set

12. the sales … really good for our company last year.

c. were

13. the company offers a … range of products than any of its competitors.

b. wider

14. it is … year in the last ten years.

d. the worst

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