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Выбрать правильный глагол:
1. 1. You can/can`t light matches inside the tent.
2. 2. You can/can`t only drink bottled water.
3. 3. We`d like to rent/renting two bikes, please.
4. 4. Can/can`t I help you?
1. Gary will play/plays soccer.
2. He likes to visit/visits museums
3. Will you help me? Of course I won`t/ will

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. You can`t light matches inside the tent.

2. You can`t only drink bottled water.

3. We`d like to rent two bikes, please.

4. CanbI help you?


1. Gary will play soccer.

2. He likes to visit museums

3. Will you help me? Of course I will


1) can't 2) can 3) rent 4) can

1) play 2) visit 3) will

1) when does the class begin?   it begins at half past eight. 2) when does the shop open? it opens at 9 o'clock 3) when does the bus go? it goes at quarter past four. 4) when does the bank close? it closes at 15 o'clock 5) when does the school finish? it finishes at 16 o'clock 6) when does mary get up? she gets up at quarter to seven. 7) when does the father come home? he comes home at twenty minutes past five

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