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Choose the correct item. 1 James Watt was the of the modern steam engine. A composer C inventor B architect D engineer 2 The pilgrims crops such as corn. A hunted B created C made D grew 3 Captain Cook sail across the Pacific in 1768. A travelled B went C set D put 4 Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with a big A harvest B crop C hunt D feast 5 Alexander the Great many countries in battle. A conquered B explored C invented Dwon 6 Columbus was looking for a new trade to Asia. A route B trip C journey Droad 7 The Roman expanded into most of Europe in 117 AD. A legend C world B Empire D land 8 Genghis Khan a place in history with his famous battles. A unlocked B found C won D lead 9 Leonardo da Vinci was a very artist. A curious C perfect B brave D talented 10 The pilgrims in America, A discovered C explored B settled D conquered

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Russian language,english,physical education,mathematics,history,chemistry,biology,kazakh language,russian  literature.

Популярно: Английский язык