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My future holidays i will go to london next summer i want my holidays to be incredible i like to go for a walk with my friends i like to spend my free time with my family.i will go to the seaside with my grandparents.i hope,we will do it.you know,i like summer most of all

 язык по скайпу      темы / топики    топик "как я собираюсь провести лето" (how i am going to spend my summer)  курсы  изучение  для детей  и  школьников язык по скайпу с носителем  топик "как я собираюсь провести лето" (how i am going to spend my summer)  summer is coming and i’m looking forward to it. it’s my favourite season, of course, because the weather is great and you don’t have to go to school. after a long and difficult school year you get really tired of studies, so i’m going to enjoy my summer holidays and have much fun. i hope they will be as exciting as my last summer holidays were. i already have a lot of plans for them. i would like to spend the first summer month in the country, at my grandparents’. my friends and cousins will be waiting for me there. i miss them so much. we shall go fishing, sunbathing, swimming, horse-riding and playing football. and i’m going to help my grandparents about the garden. so i will be outdoors all the time. i can’t wait for july because our family will travel to the seaside. we shall stay in a rented house for 2 weeks. i really enjoy the clean air and the beautiful scenery with beaches and mountains near the warm sea. i am going to swim and dive a lot. and i want to try the national cuisine, rich in fruit, vegetables and fish. as for august, i would like to stay in the city and spend the time with my friends walking around, going to the cinema and cafes, playing computer games. my dream is to sleep as much as i like and to do what i like. i will ride my bike, go skateboarding or roller-skating in the park. i hope that the summer of 2016 will be the best summer in my life and i will start my new school year happy, suntanned and refreshed! перевод лето приближается, и я жду его с нетерпением. это мое любимое время года, конечно же, потому что погода замечательная, и не нужно ходить в школу. после длинного и сложного учебного года устаешь от занятий, поэтому я собираюсь получить настоящее удовольствие от летних каникул и хорошо повеселиться. надеюсь, что они будут такими же увлекательными, как и мои прошлые каникулы. у меня уже много планов на них. я бы хотел провести свой первый летний месяц в деревне, у бабушки с дедушкой. мои друзья и двоюродные братья будут меня там ждать. я скучаю по ним. мы будем ходить на , загорать, купаться, кататься на лошадях и играть в футбол. и я собираюсь бабушке и дедушке работать в огороде. поэтому все время я буду находиться на открытом воздухе. не могу дождаться и июля, потому что моя семья отправляется на отдых к морю. мы будем жить в арендованном домике в течение двух недель. мне нравится чистый воздух и красивые пейзажи с пляжами и горами возле теплого моря. я буду много плавать и нырять. и еще я хочу попробовать национальную кухню, богатую фруктами, овощами и рыбой. что касается августа, я бы хотел остаться в городе и провести время со своими друзьями, прогуливаясь по улицам, посещая кинотеатры и кафе, играя в компьютерные игры. я мечтаю спать, сколько захочется и заниматься тем, чем захочется. я буду кататься на велосипеде, скейтборде или роликах в парке. я надеюсь, что лето 2016 года будет лучшим летом в моей жизни, и что я начну новый учебный год счастливым, загорелым и отдохнувшим

1. a: did you hear the thunder last night? b: no, i  didn't. i didn't hear anything all night. i  was asleep. 2. a: listen! do you hear a siren in the distance? b: no, i don't. i don't hear anything at all. 3. a: did you build, you that bookshelf? b: no, i didn't. my uncle built it for me. 4. a:   is a fish slippery to hold? b: yes,  it is. it can slip right out of your hand. a: how about frogs?   are they slippery? b: yes,they are. a: what about snakes? b: i don't know. i’ve never touched a snake. 5. a: i want to go to the mall this afternoon and look for a new bathing suit. do you want to go with me? b: i can’t. i have an appointment with my english teacher. besides, i bought a new bathing suit last year. i don't need a new 25 one this year. 6. i offer to help my older neighbor carry her groceries into her house every time i see her return from the store. she  is always very grateful. yesterday, she offered to pay me for helping her, but of course i didn't accept the offer. 7. last monday night, i took my sister and her husband to my favorite restaurant for dinner and found the doors locked. i didn't know it then, but my favorite restaurant  is not open on mondays. we don't want, not to eat anywhere else, so we  went back to my house. i made a salad and heated some soup. everyone seemed satisfied even though i  am not a wonderful cook. 8. my daughter is twenty-one years old. she likes to travel. my wife and i worry about her a little when she is away from home, but we also trust her judgement. last year, after she (raduated from the college, she  went to europe with two of her friends. they didn't travel  by train or by car. instead, they rented motor scooters and slowly rode through each country they visited. while she  was away, my wife and i worried about her safety. we  were very happy when we saw her smiling face at the airport and knew that she was finally safe at home.

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