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Люди как сделать предложение отрицательным"He lives in the a wales

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He doesn't live in Wales

Перевод: Он не живёт в Уэльсе

He doesn't lives in the a wales.


Когда мы хотим поставить предложение в отрицательную форму, мы должны прибавить после местоимения «doesn't», если это третье лицо, единственное число.

Если же местоимение стоит в первом лице, то мы ставим «don't».

This tree looks strange

-Yes, it looks like it's about to fall

I'm afraid I don't know how to use this camera

-It's easy, I'll show you

-What would you like to drink - juice or Coca-Cola?

-Thank you, I'll be juice

- Anton decided what to do after school?

-Yes, everything is planned. He will rest for a few weeks and then start a programming course

-What do we have for lunch?

- I do not know. I can't decide

"Come on." Hurry up, make a decision

-Okay, we'll take the chicken

-We need bread for lunch

- Yes? I'll go to the store and buy. Jane, I'm going for bread. You need something

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