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Переведите предложение: get into the sleigh

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Ответы на вопрос:

Перевод: попасть в саней.

Get into the sleigh попасть в сани

1 A: What will we to have/have for dinner tonight?

B: I may to cook/cook some pasta.

2 A: Would you like to order/order a takeaway?

B: No. Let's to make/make some sandwiches.

3 A: You promised to help help me with the household chores.

B: I know, but I was very busy to prepare/preparing the food.

4 A: You mustn't to eat/eat so much junk food.

B: I guess you are right.

5 A: There's nothing to eat/eat.

B: Let's to go/go to the supermarket to buy/buying some food.

6 A: The doctor advised me going/to go on a diet.

B: That's a good idea. You should also join/to join a gym.

7 A: I promised to take taking her shopping, but I can't

B: There's no point to worry/worrying about it. I'll go.

8 A: Have you seen Dina? I want to ask asking her if she fancies

to help/helping me with the cooking.

B: No, sorry. I haven't.

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