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Ответы на вопрос:

1.Понимать, думать о - to make of

Убежать с украденным - to make off with

Четко видеть - to make out

Изобретать - to make up

Компенсировать - to make up for

2. Fill in the gaps with up/ off with/ of/ up off/ out

1) He gave her roses to make up for forgetting her birthday.

2) The burglar made off with the jewelries.

3) Can you make out what is written here?

4) Make up the dialogue of your own.

5) What do you make of his new idea?

3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate preposition.

1) The shop is close to my house.

2) I go to school every day. I am usually in a hurry.

3) There is a desk in the corner of my room.

4) I am at the corner of the street now.

5) Where is your mum? She is at home.

6) John is at school now.

7) They live in the suburbs.

Смелость, ловкость, сила, выносливостьполицейский-смелость, ловкость, сила, выносливость, сообразительностьдизайнер-чувство вкусаповар-умение готовитьдигустатор-развитые рецепторывоспитатель-умение работать с детьми

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